30 Settembre 2010
And in Berlin Ferrari bubbles will toast the recovery of an extraordinary work of art

When the star is great art, Ferrari bubbles won’t be far away. In any part of the world. So on Saturday 2nd October at the Italian Embassy in Berlin, Germany, the dinner, which crowns the Venetian Heritage Berlin Week-End, will be enhanced by labels from the Trentino winery. Among the 150 guests/supporters who will be received by Ambassador Michele Valensise and his wife, there will be H.R.H. Princess Sibilla of Luxembourg, Oscar winner Tilda Swinton who will be the mistress of ceremonies for the evening, the Princes of Liechtenstein, Sir Rocco Forte, Fiona Swarovski and many other personalities from the business world and art world.
The Berlin event is an expression of the collaboration between Venetian Heritage (international no-profit organisation), the Italian Embassy in Germany, the Bode Museum, the Italian Cultural Institute of Berlin, the State Museums of Berlin and the Patriarchal Curia of Venice and is visible in an extraordinary exhibition, “The Pala d’Argento – the gilded silver altar screen from the Church of San Salvador in Venice restored by Venetian Heritage.” Restoration which has brought one of the most precious creations from mid 14th Century Venetian goldsmith’s art back to its original splendour, a work of art which has rested on the main altar of the Church of San Salvador for centuries.

Ferrari promuove una cultura del bere responsabile che è parte dell’Arte di Vivere Italiana.
E’ una cultura legata alla ritualità del cibo e alla celebrazione dei momenti di convivialità, dove il consumo è moderato e consapevole.
Entra nel sito ferraritrento.com solo se condividi questo approccio e se hai l’età legale per bere alcolici nel tuo paese: ti aspetta un percorso all’insegna dell’eccellenza.