Ferrari Trento organises events that focus not only on the long-standing tradition and quest for excellence that are the hallmarks of the company, but also on the splendours and products of the unique region that is Trentino. Find out what we have planned for you!
All events
Ferrari Trento confirms itself as an ambassador of the Italian lifestyle at the G7 Summit in Puglia
Trentodoc sparkling wines were offered at many institutional occasions of the summit Ferrari Trentodoc sparkling wines were offered during the G7, that took place in Puglia. The appointment was an opportunity for Italy, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States of America to address the main global challenges, defining an agenda […]
Discover moreFerrari Trento and the challenge of time
A tasting of old vintages of Trentodoc On 28th November Ferrari Trento is organising a tasting of old vintages of Ferrari Trentodoc, for those who wish to get to know more about how the Trentino-based producer makes wines that face up to the challenge of time, allowing many of its sparklers to stand up to […]
Discover moreChristmas opening
From 28th November to 6th January (except for 25th and 26th December, and 1st January) the Ferrari winery will remain open every day – including Sundays – for guided tours and for Christmas purchases. Don’t miss this opportunity to find out about the world of Ferrari’s Trentodoc wines and take advantage of the many original […]
Discover moreWorld Champions!
19th December
On 19th December Ferrari Trento will celebrate the medals it received in the most important international competition devoted to bubbly wines, The Champagne & Sparkling Wine World Championships, where, for the fourth time, the company triumphed as Producer of the Year. An excellent opportunity to taste some of the 12 wines that were awarded Gold […]
Discover moreYour event at Ferrari Trento
Choosing Ferrari Incontri, the hospitality centre of Ferrari Trento, for your event means combining the fascinating atmosphere of our cellars – where the wines rest for years shrouded in darkness and silence – with the functionality of rooms equipped both for meetings and for convivial occasions. We also guarantee top-quality service and the chance to offer your guests an experience they will never forget.
For further information and to personalise your event, please call +39 0461 972416 or write to:

Ferrari Trento promotes a culture of drinking responsibly which is part of the Italian Art of Living.
It is a culture linked to the ritual nature of food and the celebration of convivial occasions, in which consumption is moderate and informed.
Enter the website only if you share this approach and if you are of the legal age to drink alcohol in your country: a world of excellence awaits you!