16 May 2016
The “Title and Cover of the Year” Ferrari Press Awards go to Il Manifesto and SportWeek, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung conquers the “Italian Art of Living” award

Il Manifesto and SportWeek, the weekly information sports magazine of La Gazzetta dello Sport, are the winners of the 9th edition of the «Title and Cover of the Year» Ferrari Press Awards. Both newspapers will receive a prize consisting of 1,000 bottles of Ferrari Trentodoc.
Il Manifesto won with the headline «Niente asilo» (No Asylum), which was printed on the front page published on September 3, 2015, together with the picture of young Aylan, a Syrian child found dead on the Turkish coast, who was portrayed in an image that moved the hearts of millions of people throughout the World. The jury motivated its decision with these words: «Impressive and appalling. The front page published by Il Manifesto perfectly conveys the enormity of this tragedy by combining, in an extraordinary symbiosis, the image of a lifeless and tiny body with a title made of two simple words charged with several meanings, one more brutal than the others: the end of all hope for a child who died while searching for hope».
SportWeek conquered the title of «Cover of the Year» award thanks to a picture portraying a kiss between two men, an image that was accompanied by the headline «Chi ha paura di un bacio?» (Are you afraid of a kiss?) for a feature published on July 11, 2015, that explored the last remaining taboos of Italy. The jury’s motivation read as follows: «A most daring cover by SportWeek. You need a daring spirit to accompany a feature on homosexuality in sports with a cover showing a kiss between two men, who moreover are rugby players and therefore involved in what is considered one of the manliest sport of all».
The «Italian Art of Living – Article of the Year» Ferrari Press Award, which is open to the articles published on foreign newspapers that succeeded in creatively enhance one or more aspects related to Italian lifestyle and the excellence of Made in Italy, went to Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung for its special issue devoted to Expo Milano 2015 and, broadly speaking, Italy.
The winners were presented on Wednesday, May 11, at an evening hosted by Sarah Varetto, director of Sky TG24. The event gathered at Triennale di Milano several important stakeholders of journalism, culture, and business. Moreover, in line with the vocation of Ferrari Winery to be an ambassador of Italian Art of Living, the prize giving ceremony was followed by a debate on the values of Italian lifestyle and the way in which Italy is seen in the World, a discussion fuelled by the insightful input of two supporters of Italian values such as Luca Cordero di Montezemolo and Giovanni Malagò, respectively presidents of Alitalia and CONI, the Italian National Olympic Committee.

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