9 January 2025
Ski World Cup Champions toast with Ferrari Trento on the 3Tre podium

Ferrari Trento once again climbs the podium to celebrate the protagonists of the Ski World Cup, who are competing today, January 8th, in the legendary 3Tre in Madonna di Campiglio.
It will be three Jeroboam size bottles (3 litres) of Ferrari Trentodoc to mark the success of the athletes who will know how to best interpret the 3Tre, the special World Cup slalom that will be held this evening on the famous Canalone Miramonti.
This is an event that is part of a consolidated tradition as for years Ferrari sparkling wines have been a symbol of celebration of great sporting triumphs. The appointment with the Ski World Cup in Madonna di Campiglio is, in fact, just one of the many examples of how Ferrari Trento is at the side of the great protagonists of sport, following a path rooted in a passion for excellence and great challenges.
The relationship between Ferrari Trento and Madonna di Campiglio is also historic, well-established and is part of the winery’s indissoluble bond with the Trentino region and its mountains, from which the Trentodoc sparkling wines are born. It is no coincidence that the first ‘Ferrari Spazio Bollicine’ was inaugurated in Madonna di Campiglio in 2005, giving rise to a format that has enjoyed great success over the years. Indeed, last December 11th, the Trentino leg of the 3Tre On Tour took place at Cantine Ferrari.
Now in its 71st edition, every year the 3Tre gives spectacle and excitement, to which this year is added the tribute to a champion such as Giuliano Razzoli, who has reached the end of his competitive career and to whom a special bottle, dedicated to him, will be given to celebrate his extraordinary career. Framed by the passionate cheering of thousands of spectators, a public that, as always, is an integral part of this great sporting celebration.
‘Ferrari Trento continues to accompany the emotions of great sports champions and, especially in the mountains where it originates, finds its chosen territory. We are happy to once again bring a Trentodoc toast to the podium of the 3Tre di Campiglio, in the name of the excellence of Trentino,’ comments Matteo Lunelli, President and CEO of the company.

Ferrari Trento promotes a culture of drinking responsibly which is part of the Italian Art of Living.
It is a culture linked to the ritual nature of food and the celebration of convivial occasions, in which consumption is moderate and informed.
Enter the ferraritrento.com website only if you share this approach and if you are of the legal age to drink alcohol in your country: a world of excellence awaits you!