- 250 g prugna
- 5 g sale fino
- 30 ml olio di semi di vinacciolo
- 30 g cipolla tritata
- 1 spicchio d’aglio
- 3 foglie di basilico
Remove the core from the plums, mix them well with the 5g salt and put them in a jar for about 10 days. After 10 days proceed with the cooking.Start by browning the onion and garlic with the grapeseed-oil in a pan. Add the basil and the fermented plum drained from its liquid, which we keep on the side. Let it cook for one hour on low fire, regulating the consistancy with the left-over liquid of the plums. Once it ́s soft, it ́s cooked. Pass it through the masher and leave it to cool.
- 250 g plum
- 5 g salt
- 30 ml grapeseed-oil
- 30 g chopped Onion
- 1 clove Garlic
- 3 basil leaves
Put the ingredients in the thermomix or blender and mix it on the maximum for 9 minutes. Pass it through an etamin and fill it up in a squeezy bottle.
- 300 g wholemeal flour
- 240 g wheat flour (OO)
- 60g rye flour
- 450 ml water
- 108 g rye sour dough
- 15 g salt
- 5 g yeast
- 60 ml water
Mix up the different flours, add 450ml of water and let it rest for 1 hour. After one hour add the rye sour dough, the salt, the yeast and the rest of the water. Let the dough grow for six hours by working it once every hour. Form loafs of 500g and place them inside the breadbaskets in the chiller overnight. Next morning form the loafs again, engrave them and cook them in the oven on 290°c for 20 minutes.
Spread the plum sauce on a roasted rye bread and add some basil oil (in summer time, put also some fresh mountain basil leaves on top).

Ferrari Trento promotes a culture of drinking responsibly which is part of the Italian Art of Living.
It is a culture linked to the ritual nature of food and the celebration of convivial occasions, in which consumption is moderate and informed.
Enter the website only if you share this approach and if you are of the legal age to drink alcohol in your country: a world of excellence awaits you!