24 November 2014
“Giulio”: Doctor Wine, Daniele Cernilli, decreed it the best in Italy and among the top in the world!

It is generally accepted that Giulio Ferrari is the most highly-prized Italian wine ever, therefore the addition of another medal does not really come as a surprise. Sometimes, though, there are exceptionally charismatic comments that we feel must be shared, whether for our understandable pride in the way others speak of our product or for the equally rational desire to share this pride with the many fans of Giulio Ferrari. One of these can be found in the latest literary work of Daniele Cernilli (in the picture with Franco and Marcello Lunelli). The book, entitled “The Tales (and tips) of Doctor Wine”, just came out in the Stile Libero series, one of the most prestigious of Einaudi, a famous publishing house in Turin. In it Cernilli, who, like Giulio Ferrari, needs no introduction and who is “Doctor Wine” in one of the most visited websites of fine wine lovers, devotes a long chapter to his ” Top Twenties plus one.” Among these there is Giulio Ferrari or Giulio, as Cernilli confidently calls it which is the only sparkling wine label listed. He writes, “Giulio is the only sparkling wine able to amaze some arrogant French critics” because “it is exceptional.” He continues, “It is unmistakable with its aromas of yellow plum, mountain herbs and yeast … it also has a long cellar life. Today drinking a '83 vintage could certainly give a great satisfaction, but given the small production this task is not easy to accomplish. -Therefore direct your appetite to a 2002 vintage, which one can more easily find and enjoy the best Italian sparkling wine, which happens to be amongst the best in the world”.

Ferrari Trento promotes a culture of drinking responsibly which is part of the Italian Art of Living.
It is a culture linked to the ritual nature of food and the celebration of convivial occasions, in which consumption is moderate and informed.
Enter the ferraritrento.com website only if you share this approach and if you are of the legal age to drink alcohol in your country: a world of excellence awaits you!