27 October 2022
Ferrari Trento jumps to eleventh place in the “World’s Best Vineyards” and wins the “Highest Climber” award

Rising 50 positions in just one edition, Ferrari Trento conquers the top of the international classification dedicated to wine tourism
Ferrari Trento jumps to eleventh place as the best wine tourism destination according to World’s Best Vineyards, the classification that selects the world’s most beautiful wineries, founded by William Reed, the historic English publisher who also releases the prestigious ‘World’s 50 Best Restaurants’ and ‘World’s 50 Best Bars’, and who are considered the absolute authority in the world of catering and mixology.
Having climbed 50 positions in a single edition, Ferrari Trento wins the ‘Highest Climber’ award of the ranking, which involves a jury of 500 sommeliers and wine and travel experts, who evaluate wineries based on the overall experience offered. In fact, the main aim of World’s Best Vineyards is to promote wine tourism, and each year it presents a list of 100 wineries with diverse yet always high-quality and original offerings. Antinori is the first Italian winery to reach the top of this ranking.
Ferrari Trento has been working for years to promote the Trentino region and its uniqueness, focusing on the combination of natural beauty with excellence in food and wine. The result is the “Percorso del Bello e del Buono”, where visitors enjoy an experience involving all the senses: from sight when they are rewarded by the beauty of nature and the splendid Villa Margon, the sixteenth-century home and headquarters of the Gruppo Lunelli, to taste, with the possibility not only to admire the Trentodoc sparkling wines in the cellar, but to try them alongside dishes from the Locanda Margon, a Michelin-starred restaurant and laboratory for innovative pairings, immersed in the Ferrari vineyards.
At the prize giving ceremony on October 26th in Mendoza, Argentina, the award was handed over to Camilla Lunelli, Communications Director of Gruppo Lunelli, who commented: “This recognition is not only a great achievement for our winery – which celebrates its 120th anniversary this year – but also an important milestone for the entire Trentino region. It is a tribute to the beauty of its mountains and their suitability for winegrowing, which we are committed to promoting and enhancing whilst also protecting with important work oriented towards the sustainability of the territory and the support of those who work there’.
Trento, 26 October 2022

Ferrari Trento promotes a culture of drinking responsibly which is part of the Italian Art of Living.
It is a culture linked to the ritual nature of food and the celebration of convivial occasions, in which consumption is moderate and informed.
Enter the ferraritrento.com website only if you share this approach and if you are of the legal age to drink alcohol in your country: a world of excellence awaits you!