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27 January 2015

A Ferrari toast between Angela Merkel and Matteo Renzi in Florence


The Lunelli family sparkling wines were an exception, in that  they were the only part of the evening, as well as the dishes served to accompany the wine, which were not purely Tuscan.

Ferrari Trentodoc wines have always been the top of the Italian sparkling wines as seen in their ritual presence government institutions such as the Quirinale, Palazzo Chigi and all of the most important international meetings.  In fact, Renzi and Merkel previously toasted with Ferrari in celebration of the gala dinner at the European Asian Summit in Milan not too long ago.

Ferrari Trento promotes a culture of drinking responsibly which is part of the Italian Art of Living.

It is a culture linked to the ritual nature of food and the celebration of convivial occasions, in which consumption is moderate and informed.

Enter the website only if you share this approach and if you are of the legal age to drink alcohol in your country: a world of excellence awaits you!

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