23 June 2010
15 Bugattis between Cantine Ferrari, Villa Margon and Locanda Margon

If there is a legendary car then it is Bugatti.
Well, a couple of days ago, an amazing 15 Bugattis were parked first at Villa Margon, then at Locanda Margon and, lastly, at the Cantine Ferrari, allowing the occupants to visit the most beautiful extramural villa of the whole alpine area and relish the haute cuisine of Alfio Ghezzi and Ferrari bubbles and, lastly, to visit one the greatest wineries in the world for metodo classico sparkling wines. The 15 Bugattis, made between the 1920s and 1950s, with international crews were participating in a 240km drive, known as “Bugatti sulle Dolomiti”.

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